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Create an Innovative Work Culture

"Innovate or die" is the business maxim of the day. Learn how to create a corporate culture that thrives on innovation.


Promote Psychological Safety

Organizational structures and processes that help us reach set goals often stifle creativity. Learn how to remove common mind-set obstacles to creativity.
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Empower your employees to develop and submit original ideas. People develop innovative concepts when they are free to entertain outlandish ideas. Avoid meetings where the purpose is to get everyone to agree. Likewise, encourage the people in your workforce to take risks. 
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Set Goals

An effective product strategy is crucial for creating products that drive value and growth. It provides teams with a goal to work toward and a guide in choosing which problems are worth solving.
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Open up

Generally, you arrive at the best answers by asking the greatest number of people. Only with diverse perspectives from employees and outsiders can a modern firm see around corners, anticipate disruption, discover the broadest range of opportunities and vet strategy before committing to it.
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