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Promote Workplace Wellness

A healthy workforce is a productive workforce. Effective organizational wellness initiatives go beyond offering free fruit and gym memberships. 


Put Mental Health First

Make people’s mental and emotional health the foundation of your well-being initiative. Help people improve their social and emotional skills, and promote inclusion so everyone feels secure and valued.
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Extrinsic incentives can turn off people’s interest in healthy lifestyle changes. To provide motivation that endures, offer healthful options that let people experience a sense of autonomy, purpose and enjoyment. 
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Insist on Sound Work-Life Boundaries

Support people in establishing healthy work-life boundaries. Communicate clearly that you don’t expect people to answer emails during off-work hours. Measure performance by results.
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Become a Sleep Advocate

Consistent, quality sleep is a prerequisite for well-being and high job performance. That’s why some organizations make sleep their foremost well-being priority.
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Promote Human Connection

Loneliness heightens stress levels and harms people’s health. Nourish psychological well-being by fostering authentic connection and meaningful workplace relationships. 
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