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Work with AI

AI is creating a lot of uncertainty but also many opportunities. In this new age of information, the future belongs to the curious!


Foster Human-Machine Collaboration

Take stock of where automation adds efficiency and where human judgment and ingenuity add value. Humans and AI systems have complementary strengths. The key is to enable a seamless collaboration between the two.
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Harness AI's Potential

Intelligent automation can streamline processes, improve productivity and enable knowledge workers to focus on higher-value tasks. Leaders must ensure people have the necessary skills to take advantage of AI's capabilities.
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Keep it Ethical

AI lacks human judgment, ethics and societal considerations. Ensuring an AI system's output is ethical will always remain a "people" job.
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Calibrate Your Business Model

Technological disruption may prompt you to rethink the very essence of your business model - from value proposition and customer relations to revenue streams and core competencies. Cultivate innovation and develop agility to adapt to changes in the marketplace.
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Watch Out for Biases

Algorithms are only as good as the data they are trained on. Proactive intervention and human monitoring are needed to ensure AI will advance, not inhibit, DEI efforts.
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