2018 Trends and Opportunities in China You Need to Pay Attention To
Business Leader Luo Zhenyu Gives His Outlook for 2018 in His Annual New Year Speech
Luo Zhenyu, one of the most influential media personalities in China and the founder of paid-content app Dedao (iGet), has promised to deliver a New Year’s speech every year for 20 years. In 2018, for his third annual new year speech in this “Friend of Time” series, Luo talked about “Chinese-style opportunity.” The speech got more than 11 million views online. In this article from the tech media website Ifanr, operating editor Shen Xingyou highlights the main points of the four-hour speech. getAbstract recommends Luo's insights to entrepreneurs, global investors, economists, as well as start-up enthusiasts.
About the Author
Shen Xingyou is the operating editor at Ifanr, a tech media website in China that focuses on consumer goods, technology and innovation. Shen writes about business, products and lifestyle.
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