Thinking that the only thing you have to do at the office is good work is naïve. Every company has people who will stop at nothing to further their own agendas. Hiding your head in the sand (or behind your computer screen) only makes you an easy target. Instead, learn about the common dirty tricks played in offices and protect yourself from becoming a victim. To outmaneuver the manipulators, getAbstract recommends reading this clever, short introductory course on office politics. Organizational experts Mike Phipps and Colin Gautrey have done the research for you, identifying the most common and insidious dirty tricks, and outlining strategies for putting up your defenses or, when appropriate, confronting the attackers. Oftentimes, simply exposing the trick reduces its potency and sends the perpetrator scurrying back into the shadows.
About the Authors
Mike Phipps and Colin Gautrey co-founded a company that helps individuals and organizations develop necessary political skills. Phipps has consulted with some of the world’s largest corporations. Gautrey is a business professional, trainer and coach.
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