After the Islamic State
As the caliphate crumbles, rival movements struggle for the soul of Sunni jihadism.
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Islamic State is losing ground to counterterrorism efforts and competing jihadist groups, but the “quest for the caliphate” won’t die with its defeat. Reporter Robin Wright explains the link between the rise of Islamic State and the increasing political chaos in the Middle East, explores how the recent decline in Islamic State’s influence is affecting the broader jihadist movement, and details why the idea of the caliphate – whether in the hands of Islamic State or another organization – will continue to inspire modern jihadism. getAbstract recommends this article to everyone interested in Middle East affairs and counterterrorism.
About the Author
Robin Wright is a contributing writer for The New Yorker. She is a joint fellow at the US Institute of Peace and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.
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