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Alan Murray and Raju Narisetti
Author Talk: Tomorrow's capitalist is socially conscious
Fortune Media’s Alan Murray says stakeholder capitalism is here to stay
McKinsey, 2022
What's inside?
Profitable companies pay attention to social purpose.
Over the past decade, business leaders have increasingly emphasized their companies’ social impact. As Fortune Media CEO Alan Murray tells McKinsey podcast host Raju Narisetti, the “stakeholder capitalism” movement evolved as business leaders recognized that they have to make sure their companies have a positive impact on society. Focusing on short-term profits at the expense of the environment, social well-being, your stakeholders, and your employees is easy, but short-sighted. If you want your company to thrive for decades, Murray urges you to consider its impact on your workforce, stakeholders, society, and the environment.
About the Speakers
CEO of Fortune Media Alan Murray wrote Tomorrow’s Capitalist: My Search for the Soul of Business. Raju Narisetti leads McKinsey Global Publishing.
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