Awaken the Giant Within
How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical, and Financial
First Edition: 1990 more...
Reprinted by permission of Free Press, a division of Simony & Schuster, Inc., N.Y.
ISBN: 9780671791544
Pages: 544
Author and "life coach" Anthony Robbins takes on the gargantuan task of analyzing how the mind and body work, and how you can take control of every part of the process. He explains that all human actions and decisions originate in the pain-versus-pleasure principle. He then teaches you how to rewire your neurology so you associate pain with negative emotions and events, and replace it with the pleasure of the positive. Reading an Anthony Robbins book is like viewing a transcript of one of his self-empowerment seminars. The personal revelations, stories, anecdotes and analogies are fun to read, but the essential messages are buried beneath page after page of verbiage. Only the most patient and devoted Robbins follower will extract all the gems of wisdom from this lengthy treatise, but getAbstract.com thinks it is a worthwhile pursuit for the seeker who is willing to make this book a long-term companion.
About the Author
Anthony Robbins is a self-empowerment pioneer and an expert in motivation. He offers seminars, chairs several companies and has written a number of other books, including Unlimited Power.
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