Be the Unicorn
12 Data-Driven Habits that Separate the Best Leaders from the Rest
William Vanderbloemen, an executive search professional, details a dozen leadership habits you can develop to stand out from the crowd – just like the fabled unicorn. He offers a lot of basic but useful information, though you might wish he would stop referring to himself in the third person, coupled with the phrase “not to brag.” His 12 leadership lessons include important soft skills presented with intriguing, teachable case studies. Vanderbloemen shows leaders who want to advance how to become more productive and competent as well as more likable – an asset whether you want a promotion at work, more sales, or improved social connections.
About the Author
William Vanderbloemen is the founder and CEO of Vanderbloemen Search Group, which Forbes named one of the best small businesses in the United States. It specializes in serving churches, schools, nonprofits, and values-driven businesses.
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