Benjamin Graham on Value Investing
Lessons from the Dean of Wall Street
Value investing is back in vogue. And so is Benjamin Graham. His books - Security Analysis and the Intelligent Investor - are the seminal texts on the subject of investing. Numerous investors (including Warren Buffett) owe their success to Graham’s writings. Janet C. Lowe’s book adds to the Graham myth. It weaves the story of Graham as a husband, father and loyal friend into his public life as a fund manager, writer and teacher. Lowe breathes life into an otherwise sterile topic, but her emphasis is on Graham’s personal history more than on his investment advice. She does make it clear that Graham’s fiscal belief system emphasizes intelligent investing by both the professional and individual investor. getAbstract recommends this book to people who follow - and hope to profit from - the vicissitudes of the stock market and of its indelible characters.
About the Author
Award-winning business journalist Janet C. Lowe frequently speaks on investing before live audiences and on television and radio. She is the author of Dividends Don’t Lie (co-authored by Geraldine Weiss), The Super Saver, The Secret Empire and Keys to Investing in International Stocks.
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