When you want results, throw a bunch of overachievers into a room together: Eventually, one will emerge – bruised and exhausted, but victorious – grasping the best idea aloft in a bloodied hand. That conventional wisdom pervades education, politics and business, spurred by the belief that if everyone competes fiercely, eventually the best idea will win. Alas, the reality isn’t so simple, says entrepreneur Margaret Heffernan, and she’s got the research and real-world results to prove it.
About the Speaker
Margaret Heffernan is an entrepreneur, CEO and author. She’s the Professor of Practice at the University of Bath School of Management. Her books include Willful Blindness: Why We Ignore the Obvious at our Peril; The Naked Truth: A Working Woman’s Manifesto About Business and What Really Matters; and Beyond Measure: The Big Impact of Small Changes.
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