Billion Dollar Loser
The Epic Rise and Spectacular Fall of Adam Neumann and WeWork
Journalist Reeves Wiedeman catalogs the epic absurdities of modern start-up culture by tracking the dramatic rise and fall of co-working company, WeWork. WeWork’s eccentric co-founder, Adam Neumann, prioritized hyper-growth. His strategy attracted billions in venture capital, boosting WeWork’s valuation to $47 billion. Wiedeman vividly portrays Neumann as larger-than-life character who served tequila shots at business meetings, sprayed investors with a fire extinguisher and mixed proclamations of mystical spirituality with breathtaking avarice. Over the course of his tale, he shows how even hard-nosed investors can fall under the sway of a charismatic leader with a convincing story.
About the Author
New York magazine contributing editor Reeves Wiedeman has written for The New Yorker, the New York Times Magazine, Rolling Stone and Harper’s.
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