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David G. Thomson
Blueprint to a Billion
7 Essentials to Achieve Exponential Growth
Wiley, 2005
What's inside?
Do you want to build your company into a billion-dollar blockbuster? Here's your set of directions.
Since 1980, only 387 U.S. companies - including Microsoft, Nike, Staples, Siebel Systems and Harley Davidson - have achieved the extraordinary, exponential growth it takes to earn revenues of more than $1 billion. Author David G. Thomson calls these exemplars "Blueprint Companies" and he views the key elements of their shared "success-based patterns" as a schematic other architects of business can follow as they build. His book, based on three years of study, research and interviews with the leaders of these billion-dollar companies, is a useful analysis of seven concrete entrepreneurial characteristics that these organizations have in common. Thomson explains what companies must do to rise like these skyscrapers. If you want to shape the economic skyline, getAbstract thinks you will find it very enlightening to see just how hard you’ll have to work, and what the leaders in the billion-dollar club had to accomplish on their way up.
About the Author
A general management, sales and marketing expert, David G. Thomson is a former consultant who has also worked at major companies. He has an MBA from the University of Western Ontario and a degree in electrical engineering from the University of Waterloo.
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