Sales have been stagnating in North America for Under Armour, forcing the American company that manufactures footwear, sports and casual apparel to broaden its horizon. That’s why China has become the company’s top priority. But are Chinese sports enthusiasts buying into the strategy? Reporter Luo Yingying explores and explains Under Armour’s positioning in China for business media site Jiemian. (Shi Yiying, editor at tech media company Huxiu, edited and reposted the article.) Luo’s article may be a bit overly critical. She points to Under Armour’s weaknesses in the Chinese market without acknowledging that the company is actually doing many things well. She shows how Under Armour does need to clarify its strategy to capitalize properly on the current growth in the competitive sports and fitness market in China. However, Under Armour’s unclear product positioning in China results from a global rethink in the company following a 2017 sales drop rather than a lack of insight into the Chinese market. getAbstract recommends this article to any executive working in or interested in China.
About the Authors
Luo Yingying is a reporter for Jiemian, a Chinese news media start-up focusing on tech and business news. She focuses on ecommerce and retail. Jiemian published this article first. Shi Yiying, editor at tech media company Huxiu, edited and reposted the article.
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