Marci Shimoff
Happy for No Reason
7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out
Free Press, 2008
What's inside?
You may not have been born with a song in your heart, but, with practice, you can find your happy tune.
Marci Shimoff, who made her reputation with Chicken Soup for a Woman’s Soul and other books in that series, helps you build your “happiness home” on the foundation of positive psychology. She tells you how to abide by seven “happiness laws” and establish “21 happiness habits” to raise your level of joy. Although it’s bit platitudinous, the book conveys good news from psychology and self-help, but is light on facts. Shimoff distills the major tenets of “transformational” literature, and offers exercises to get you started. getAbstract recommends this to those who know about “happiness science” and wish to apply it. The author explains how to take a relaxed approach, integrate happier habits into your life and trust that the universe wishes you well.
About the Author
Marci Shimoff, co-author of the bestseller Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul and other Chicken Soup books, is a keynote speaker and transformational-practices teacher. Carol Kline also co-authored many Chicken Soup for the Soul titles.
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