Chief of Anything
(Why) Wherefore relaxed-productive leadership makes a better world
Successful entrepreneurs Michael Portz and Christian Kohlhof present their big book on leadership in the unusual form of a 532-page running dialogue, a computer-generated, German-to-English translation of transcripts of their Chief of Anything podcast. The authors discuss leading yourself – at length, leading others, leading teams and leading organizations. Drawing from the curriculum of their “Chief of the Year” leadership course, they banter about the basics. However, due to its audio origins, the material isn’t edited or organized for print. The book offers a few good leadership and self-actualization nuggets from experts in the field, but the authors’ long-time podcast listeners will be the book’s biggest fans.
About the Authors
Christian Kohlhof and Michael Portz create and perform the “Chief of Anything” podcast and co-founded the CoA Academy.
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