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China’s live-streaming entertainment industry was growing at an exponential rate. In no other region has live-streaming been as popular. The unique live-streaming economy, built on virtual gifts that fans buy for the online celebrities they dote on, has been a highly lucrative industry in recent years. In the West, Internet celebrities tend to their Instagram presence and publish edited videos; in China, more and more Internet users join the live-streaming bandwagon. Nonetheless, since the government started regulating the industry, it is maturing and providers are looking for opportunities to make the fun last. Liu Qiuyan, a journalist at news media company Jiemian, explains how live-streaming platforms try to transform online celebrities into more traditional superstars by borrowing business models from the entertainment industry. getAbstract recommends this article to those interested in global Internet trends and to investors with an eye on China’s increasingly profitable entertainment industry.
About the Author
Liu Qiuyan is a reporter at Jiemian.com, a Chinese news media start-up that reports on tech and business news for independent thinkers.
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