Closing the Execution Gap
How Great Leaders and Their Companies Get Results
“Vision without execution is hallucination,” warned inventor Thomas Edison. CEOs love to focus on vision and strategy, but without execution, vision and strategy can’t accomplish anything. According to HR consultant Richard Lepsinger, who surveyed executives in 409 companies, many organizations suffer from poor execution. He offers solid solutions to that problem, including numerous valuable tips, tools and tactics. Although his writing style is a little heavy on lists and some of the information is obvious, Lepsinger offers a good overview of how to lead employees to execute more effectively. getAbstract recommends his presentation to leaders and managers who are responsible for implementing strategy and turning vision into reality. HR managers will also benefit from Lepsinger’s insights, since he comes from that field.
About the Author
Richard Lepsinger, an HR consultant, is the president of OnPoint Consulting and the co-author of three business books, including The Art and Science of 360-Degree Feedback.
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