Coaching for Improved Work Performance
How to Get Better Results from Your Employees!
Novice and experienced managers, coaches and teachers, and anyone else who wants to influence other peoples’ behavior or performance will benefit from Ferdinand F. Fournies’ book on coaching. He describes specific intervention tactics and shows how to apply them. Use this manual to eliminate managerial frustration. It can be your stepping stone to creating a successful, high-performing department. Fournies’ concepts can help even seasoned managers deal with difficult staff, solve problems in their departments and achieve greater results through their employees. If you are a new manager or wish to be one, this essential resource and training tool is required reading. getAbstract also recommends it as a strong addition to any management curriculum.
About the Author
Ferdinand F. Fournies is a business management speaker and consultant whose work has been translated into several languages. He is the author of Why Employees Don’t Do What They’re Supposed To Do and What To Do About It.
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