Companies Are Desperate for Workers
Why Aren’t They Doing the One Thing That Will Attract Them?
Many US businesses are experiencing talent shortages and difficulties filling vacancies in a job-seeker’s market. But what if the source of the problem lies with the companies themselves? Drawing on anonymous, first-hand accounts from frustrated job hunters, Alison Green of the funny and unvarnished work-advice blog Ask the Manager offers up some suggestions. Companies that pay fair wages, advertise realistic skill requirements and streamline hiring practices can better navigate the labor market.
About the Author
Few people are as knee-deep in our work-related anxieties and sticky office politics as Alison Green, who has been fielding delicate, anonymous workplace questions for a decade now on her website Ask a Manager. In her column for Slate, “Direct Report,” she spotlights themes from her inbox that help explain the modern workplace and how to navigate it with aplomb.
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