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Michael Flocker
Death by PowerPoint
A Modern Office Survival Guide
Da Capo Press, 2006
What's inside?
How to survive work by seeing how funny it is: a parody with a point.
Corporate life, like high school, has a social order that separates the drones from the workers. The queen bees, better known as executives, sit back and enjoy the fruits of their workers’ labors. In fact, bosses made approximately 40 times more money than average workers in 1980; the figure jumped to about 400 times more by 1999. That’s unfair, but so is life in the workplace. Michael Flocker offers amusing observations and practical (as well as funny, but impractical) advice in his satirical look at office survival. He covers everything from dress codes and office politics to etiquette and office romances. getAbstract recommends this book to any employee who’s looking for a little comic relief. That pretty much includes everybody.
About the Author
Michael Flocker is the author of The Metrosexual Guide to Style, The Hedonism Handbook and The Fame Game.
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