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Emma Bridger
Employee Engagement
Kogan Page, 2014
What's inside?
You can build a happier, more effective organization with the “happiness advantage” of employee engagement.
Employee engagement specialist Emma Bridger says “never mind” to annual employee surveys and advises building a strategic engagement road map, instead. Drawing from academic research and professional practice, Bridger enriches her coverage of the subdisciplines of organizational development and human resource management with case studies and examples. She offers how-to guidance, including tools and techniques. Bridger explains why engaged employees are happier, perform better and take fewer days off sick – and she has the evidence to prove why every employer should embrace engagement’s “happiness advantage.” getAbstract recommends her essential text to managers and HR professionals as a solid primer for exploring and encouraging employee engagement.
About the Author
Emma Bridger, who has a background in psychology and behavior change, is a consultant in employee engagement.
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