Everyone Communicates, Few Connect
What the Most Effective People Do Differently
To learn how to connect well with others, imitate a connection superstar: leadership development expert John C. Maxwell. When he posted a preliminary version of this book on his blog, 100,000 people viewed it, and many offered comments on how to make it better. Maxwell has sold more than 18 million books and his company has taught leadership skills to more than five million people. He offers this book’s simple principles and its very abundant quotations, anecdotes and stories to explain how to build relationships with other people in many settings. Without being preachy – though he is a preacher – he provides an intelligent, purposeful philosophy about connection. Maxwell’s sensible counsel – focus on others, help them, smile – is not earth shattering, but no one could dispute its basic verity. If the book sometimes seems just to skip merrily from one great story to another, that’s part of its charm – and it all adds up to advice that will improve your ability to link with other people. The trick is to put these examples into practice and Maxwell explains how to do that. getAbstract recommends his book to all those who want to improve their public speaking skills and interpersonal connections.
About the Author
John C. Maxwell is an evangelical Christian pastor, speaker and author, who has sold more than 18 million books in more than 50 languages. He is the author of Developing the Leader Within You and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership, among many other books.
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