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Matt Krentz, Justin Dean, Jennifer Garcia-Alonso, Frances Brooks Taplett, Miki Tsusaka and Elliot Vaughn
Fixing the Flawed Approach to Diversity
Boston Consulting Group, 2019
What's inside?
Ready to harness the benefits of a diverse company? Better make sure your diversity initiatives are effective.
Ask any executive if she’s racist, or if he discriminates based on gender or sexual orientation, and each will probably respond with an emphatic “no!”. But research suggests that humans are wired for in-group bias. It’s not enough to wish to move through the world without prejudice. It takes education and genuine effort. Many businesses fail to implement diversity programs effectively. The Boston Consulting Group surveyed 16,500 people to see which diversity initiatives actually work. Executives who want to harness the benefits of diversity should take notice of the results.
About the Authors
Matt Krentz, Justin Dean, Jennifer Garcia-Alonso, Frances Brooks Taplett, Miki Tsusaka and Elliot Vaughn are professionals with the Boston Consulting Group.
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