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How CMOs Are Shaping Their GenAI Future

How CMOs Are Shaping Their GenAI Future

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According to Boston Consulting Group research, GenAI is a hot topic among marketers, with the vast majority expressing confidence in its potential benefits to their organization. However, marketing teams must be strategic when adopting GenAI. CMOs are the driving force behind GenAI adoption at organizations, which means they have the power to shape the way companies embrace this powerful tool. It can be tempting to overly focus on boosting efficiencies through automation at the expense of innovation. Learn why the most successful campaigns combine both GenAI and predictive AI with human creativity and emotional intelligence.


  • CMOs are optimistic about GenAI’s potential, but should prepare for brand risks as well.
  • You won’t become a personalization leader with GenAI alone — leverage predictive AI and human capabilities.
  • Focus on innovation — not just automation — when adopting GenAI tools.

About the Authors

Mark Abraham, David Edelman, and Lauren Wiener are professionals with Boston Consulting Group.