Brian Tracy offers sound advice to help leaders succeed. He doesn’t suggest anything terribly new, but his advice is entirely solid: Set goals, be innovative, be decisive, motivate your people and focus on results. You don’t need a book to teach you, “to fulfill your potential, you must become excellent at what you do,” but you may welcome the pep talk and the reminder. Such popular advice has made Tracy a best-selling author with 45 books to his credit and, apparently, has given him permission to quote himself at will. You may have to find your own balance as you weigh his counsel to exercise and spend more time with your family against his advice to go to work early, stay late and be available on weekends, but that’s a true reflection of the dilemma of modern leadership. Overall, getAbstract finds that Tracy’s concepts, tips and suggestions offer a steady foundation of the basics of leadership amid today’s challenges.
About the Author
Brian Tracy is the author of 45 books, including Maximum Achievement, Speak to Win and Eat That Frog! A popular speaker, he addresses more than a quarter-million people annually. As a consultant, he has worked with more than 1,000 companies in 52 countries.
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