Mark Manson
How To Be More Productive by Working Less
Mark Manson, 2017
What's inside?
To achieve more, work less.
The conventional picture of productivity hasn’t changed in hundreds of years: nose to the grindstone; early to bed, early to rise; work more, produce more. But what if this way of thinking doesn’t help you produce more, or even worse, is counterproductive? Internet entrepreneur and blogger Mark Manson questioned the gospel of productivity and discovered that most of the time – thanks to the law of diminishing returns – less is more. His conclusions could revolutionize your day planner. But readers beware: Manson’s profane style of writing would make the most hardened of truck drivers blush. Nonetheless, getAbstract recommends this article to anyone who’s ever wondered if work has to be so difficult.
About the Author
Mark Manson a blogger and Internet entrepreneur. He is the author of The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck.
Comment on this summary
I think we urgently need to abandon the 40h work week thinking. The information age has different requirements.
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