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Markus Lorenz and Roland Haslehner
How Will COVID-19 Affect Machinery and Industrial Automation?
Boston Consulting Group, 2020
What's inside?
When it comes to machinery and industrial automation, will the effects of COVID-19 mirror those of the 2008 financial crisis?
You know the economy is taking a massive hit from COVID-19, but is the pandemic as bad as the 2008 financial crisis? If it is, will your company suffer more, or less than it did then? If you’re part of the machinery and industrial-automation industry, it probably depends on which sector your company serves. Regardless, the Boston Consulting Group has compiled some statistics, projections and tips to help you pull through the crisis. The BCG report encourages leaders to look beyond their ruined plans, find solutions for scenarios they may face and “shape opinions in their own environments.”
About the Authors
Ina Wicker, Markus Lorenz, and Roland Haslehner prepared this report for the Boston Consulting Group, a global management consulting firm.
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