Credit card companies seem convinced that most consumers are spendthrifts who will quickly sink into debt if given the chance. And owning a credit card gives you that chance. Unfortunately, few applicants read the fine print on new credit card offers until they are merrily charging away and their debts mount. Eventually, previously naive consumers figure out that if they are late with even one payment, interest rates on all their cards can skyrocket. Fortunately if you know what to do – pay on time – you don’t have to incur heavier debt. Here, consumer advocate Curtis E. Arnold outlines how you can reward yourself financially with savvy credit card use and how you can protect yourself. He hammers hard on the need to pay up, but the message really matters to your credit rating, particularly until new U.S. credit card regulations go into effect. Arnold explains how knowledgeable consumers can use the card companies’ money for little or no interest, get cash back on their purchases, earn airline miles and even get the companies to contribute to their children’s college funds. And none of it has to cost a dime. Want to learn how? getAbstract recommends this book to anyone who uses credit cards and wants to come out on top.
About the Author
Curtis E. Arnold is a consumer advocate and the founder of a Web site that provides credit card information to consumers.
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