Social media outlets give your customers a channel for making public statements about your product or services. “The haters” – incensed customers who let you know how you’ve upset them – can help or hinder your business. Marketing expert Jay Baer cautions that executives who dismiss haters as irrelevant are missing the real issue. Companies that choose to ignore their critics are communicating that they don’t consider their customers important. On the other hand, responding productively to criticism shows everyone that your customers’ perceptions matter to your business. By replying, you can transform critics into boosters. Haters provide a valuable source of information about the issues facing your consumers and a perfect avenue for fixing problems and earning their loyalty. Baer does a masterful job of explaining what haters want and how your business can deal with them. getAbstract recommends his helpful manual to executives, customer-service managers and frontline employees who deal with customers every day.
About the Author
Convince & Convert president Jay Baer provides consulting services on digital marketing and customer service. He wrote the New York Times bestseller Youtility.
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