Have you ever wanted to get inside the head of one of the designers of one of the most important products of the century? Here’s your chance. In this episode of the Commonwealth Club of California podcast, host John Markoff speaks to Tony Fadell about the development of the iPod, how it changed Apple and the world, and what it takes to create a product that resonates with users. In addition, he shares his thoughts on the culture differences between Apple and Google and where he thinks investors should focus their resources in the future. Spoiler: He’s not suggesting investments in Meta!
About the Speakers
Tony Fadell is an entrepreneur, engineer, designer and investor. He was the founder and former CEO of Nest Labs and the senior vice president of the iPod division at Apple. Host John Markoff is the author of Whole Earth: The Many Lives of Stewart Brand and other titles. He was a journalist at The New York Times for 28 years. The Commonwealth Club of California is a nonprofit educational organization founded in 1903.
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