It’s Time to Tackle Your Team’s Undiscussables
Subjects that are consciously or unwittingly deemed out of bounds come in four varieties and make it almost impossible for teams to function.
Healthy, productive teams have to be able to talk. When members can’t candidly share concerns and questions, teamwork suffers, performance falters and the effects can snowball. Professors Ginka Toegel and Jean-Louis Barsoux of the Swiss-based International Institute for Management Development have studied team effectiveness and group dynamics in sports teams, orchestras, medical teams and even a hostage negotiation team. Writing for the MIT Sloan Management Review, Toegel and Barsoux delve into the causes and consequences of “undiscussable” subjects and offer proven cures.
About the Authors
Ginka Toegel is a professor of organizational behavior and leadership at the International Institute for Management Development (IMD) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Jean-Louis Barsoux is a term research professor at IMD.
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