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Leading with Vulnerability

Leading with Vulnerability

Unlock Your Greatest Superpower to Transform Yourself, Your Team, and Your Organization

Wiley, 2023 more...

Editorial Rating



  • Applicable
  • Eye Opening
  • Engaging


Many executives believe that showing emotion undermines their public persona as an authority figure. Refreshingly, futurist and business author Jacob Morgan says this idea is a fallacy. Instead, he writes, leaders who admit they are vulnerable share their humanity. If you make that choice, he reassures you, people will admire your openness and brave spirit. Morgan explains how to demonstrate your vulnerability at work and incorporate your emotions into your leadership style. But, he cautions, being vulnerable doesn’t mean divulging all. In other words, proceed, but with good sense.


  • Exhibiting vulnerability reveals strength, not weakness.
  • Carefully consider whether and how to exhibit emotion. 
  • Leaders who close themselves off from their emotions suffer psychologically. 

About the Author

Futurist Jacob Morgan hosts the podcast Great Leadership with Jacob Morgan. He is also the author of The Future Leader, The Employee Experience Advantage, The Future of Work, and The Collaborative Organization.