Let Us Dream
The Path to a Better Future
First Edition: 2020 more...
ISBN: 9781982171865
Pages: 160
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In the throes of a crisis no one can evade, Pope Francis says, people typically wonder whether they’ll survive. But simply surviving a crisis is not enough to ensure a better future – either for yourself, or others. Certainly, people – and institutions – won’t emerge the same as they were before the pandemic; they may be better, but they may be worse. The pope cautions that the coronavirus pandemic isn’t the only crisis afflicting the world, which also faces “hidden pandemics” such as poverty and climate change. He hopes COVID-19 offers people the opportunity to “dream big” and reconsider what matters most.
About the Author
Pope Francis was elected Bishop of Rome, the 266th Pope of the Catholic Church, in 2013.
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