Roger Volkema
Hot to Get It & How to Keep It in Any Negotiation
AMACOM, 2006
What's inside?
Archimedes said, "Give me a lever and I can move the world." Learn to use the power of leverage to get what you want.
Leverage is a useful way of thinking about how to gain the advantage in a negotiation, but the concept is essentially a crystallization of what good negotiators have been doing for centuries. Author Roger Volkema does an especially fine job in two areas: useful examples and methodical explanation of your options. He classifies common power plays into types that you can identify, practice and counter. He provides examples of each type drawn from real experience and the popular media. The result is easy to read, understand and apply. The book would have been even stronger if he had added more that was new, if he had grappled more directly with situations where the parties lack leverage and if he had gone further on such matters as ethical negotiation. Yet, as noted, getAbstract praises his examples and strategies, and recommends this book to people who want to improve their negotiating skills.
About the Author
Roger Volkema is the author of The Negotiation Toolkit. He teaches management at American University, Washington, D.C.
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