Management Wisdom from the New York Yankees' Dynasty
What Every Manager Can Learn from a Legendary Team
The New York Yankees are one of the most successful teams in sports history, a hugely profitable enterprise and a model of excellence. In this in-depth, business-oriented look at baseball’s most storied franchise, author Lance A. Berger, writing with Dorothy R. Berger, suggests that any business interested in achieving greatness should study the Yankees’ management techniques. He cites having a bigger payroll than other teams and using that money to secure top talent, but the lessons go well beyond that. People who follow both business and baseball – Yankees fans, in particular – will appreciate this analysis. The book dates to 2005, so its baseball stats aren’t up to date, but its management advice is a home run.
About the Authors
Lance A. Berger is a management consultant for Fortune 500 companies and has served as a consultant to Major League Baseball. Change management consultant Dorothy R. Berger manages the couple’s consultancy and is production editor of The Change Magazine. Together, the Bergers produced The Talent Management Handbook, The Change Management Handbook and The Compensation Handbook, and they co-authored Deengineering the Corporation with Martin J. Sikora.
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