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Qingshun Zou
Master Chinese Business Culture
Becoming a China Expert
Qingshun Zou, 2021
What's inside?
Doing business in China? This crash course in Chinese history and culture will help smooth your path.
Looking to do business in China? Cross-cultural trainer Qingshun Zou advises Westerners to learn the highlights of Chinese history, including its major inventions, cultural touchstones and superstitions. Zou’s pro-China slant is undeniable – particularly when discussing Chinese politics and military intentions. Still, her extensive pointers on Chinese business norms – including how to behave in meetings, negotiations and at meals – will prove invaluable to novice Western businesspeople who hope to find success in China.
About the Author
Qingshun Zou was born in China and educated in Canada. She leads a training program entitled “Decoding the Chinese business culture” in partnership with the Geneva Business Management University.
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