Most people don’t want to experience regret – yet it’s impossible to go through life without regretting something from time to time. Best-selling author Daniel H. Pink – who likes to turn conventional wisdom on its head – argues that, rather than being an unpleasant feeling that holds you back, regret can serve as a powerful catalyst for improving your life and that of others. In this Wall Street Journal article based on his latest book, The Power of Regret: How Looking Backward Moves Us Forward, Pink shares three tools for processing regret, so you can benefit from it.
About the Author
Daniel H. Pink is the author of seven books, including the bestsellers Drive and When.
Comment on this summary
regret is one of the 1st lessons our father Adam and mother Hawa (Eve) peace be upon them learnt
out this comes drawing closer to our CREATOR to seek repentance
followed by firm resolve to not repeat the same that caused it
my issue with all self guru's & authors:
all of us already know things and some of us just have not yet manage to formulate it into words what we are feeling or experience
they (guru's/author's)re-discover and rehash in their own words what we all inherently know
1st they disarm u by using new jargon or if u never before formulated words for ur feelings, experience, or understanding of something then the new jargon is a revelation,
then break down your understanding into their analogies using their jargon in their paradigm
then insert their "new discoveries" into ur mind as their own with their analogies & jargon
& we think wow !!!
unwritten/unspoken writing technique used by self help "guru's" and authors
however there is still value in it as a reminder to us of what we already know but were too afraid to say/act on/do.
as long as u remember not to get sucked in but use it as a reminder of what u already know
rather than become a worshipper of said guru/author giving them power over your life