PrimeTime Women
How to Win the Hearts, Minds, and Business of Boomer Big Spenders
Marti Barletta follows up her earlier book Marketing to Women with an in-depth analysis and prescriptive approach to selling to the largest, most powerful market segment in the US: 50- to 70-year-old “PrimeTime Women.” Far from being an economically dormant audience of middle-aged or senior citizens, PrimeTime Women have come of age. They have money and the “moxie to spend it.” Barletta analyzes how the life-stage changes women undergo in midlife affect the ways you should market to them. She offers a generous toolbox of strategies and techniques to help you reach this audience through its “social values, life/time factors, decision styles and communication keys.” Her case studies illustrate how two companies integrate these sales principles with amazing results. Barletta often winks at her readers with wry parenthetical humor, and she sprinkles the conversation with lively consumer quotes. getAbstract highly recommends this worthy resource to marketers aiming for the hearts, minds and wallets of PrimeTime Women.
About the Author
Marti Barletta founded The TrendSight Group, a consultancy that helps companies market to women. She also is the author of Marketing to Women.
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