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Donald Vanthournout, Kurt Olson, John Ceisel, Andrew White, Tad Waddington, Thomas Barfield, Samir Desai and Craig Mindrum
Return on Learning
Training for High Performance at Accenture
AGATE Publishing, 2006
What's inside?
How to measure learning programs’ return on investment.
This concise, clearly written book describes how Accenture went from being a company that put its entire workforce through a standard suite of courses to becoming a company with a knowledge-sharing culture. Accenture’s employees now embody its knowledge and service capability. Even though your company is probably different from Accenture, your workforce is still the engine that allows it to grow and compete. A company can thrive only if its people have the opportunity to constantly renew their skills. If that level of knowledge management is part of your goals, getAbstract recommends this case study of how to create a high-performance learning culture.
About the Authors
Donald Vanthournout is the chief learning officer at Accenture. Kurt Olson, John Ceisel, Andrew White, Tad Waddington, Tom Barfield, Samir Desai and Craig Mindrum all work within the learning function at Accenture.
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