She Helped Wreck the News Business. Here’s Her Plan to Fix It
Nandini Jammi’s advertiser boycotts scared brands away from journalism and into shady ad tech. Now she wants to teach marketers to think for themselves again.
Nearly everyone has experienced that phenomenon of an ad campaign following them around the internet. But are the sponsors aware that their ads are also following click-collecting bots? Or that automation tools designed to protect brands from association with “controversial” content are drawing advertising dollars away from reputable publications and toward junk websites? Probably not. In this WIRED article, Gilad Edelman explains how marketing specialists Nandini Jammi and Claire Atkin are trying to change online advertising, and how they may just elevate public discourse in the process.
About the Author
Gilad Edelman covers politics for WIRED. He worked, previously, as executive editor of the Washington Monthly.
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