As business becomes even more turbulent, companies must be increasingly adaptive to “shift ahead” with the times. The best firms keep up with the latest changes, anticipate what’s coming and get ahead of it.sAmazon is a good example. The dominant Internet firm is discussing anticipatory shipping – sending products to customers before they place their orders. Firms that can’t be agile and flexible, and can’t shift with the current flow of business, may get left by the side of the road. Marketing consultant Allen Adamson and marketing educator Joel Steckel alert you to seven “red flags” that indicate you could be falling behind, and then they explain what it takes to remain competitive in fast-moving times. Their research includes interviews with upward of 100 senior executives, and they present numerous instructive case histories. getAbstract recommends the authors’ insights to anyone in business who wants an overview of innovation.
About the Authors
Allen Adamson is co-founder and managing partner of Metaforce, a marketing consultancy. Joel Steckel was the founding president of INFORMS Society for Marketing Science and currently serves as vice dean for doctoral education at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
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