George Soros once said, “Let business be business and philanthropy be philanthropy. Keep the two separate.” And never the twain shall meet. However, even Soros, capitalist businessman and philanthropist extraordinaire, eventually succumbed to seeing the merits of and need for social enterprise. David Bornstein and Susan Davis, two scholars of social innovation, offer a truly inspiring book about the noble, burgeoning field of “social entrepreneurship.” They offer recognition to the countless anonymous individuals who address the world’s most intractable problems, and they dole out useful advice to the “changemakers” who give voices to people who have none. Although this guide may be a tad basic for workers at established social enterprises, getAbstract recommends it as a wonderful source of tips and inspiration to budding social entrepreneurs in all fields who strive to change the world for the better.
About the Authors
David Bornstein is author of How to Change the World and The Price of a Dream. Susan Davis is founding president and CEO of BRAC USA. She also is a founding board member of the Grameen Foundation.
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