Mike Nelson
Stop Clutter From Stealing Your Life
Discover Why You Clutter and How You Can Stop
New Page Books, 2001
What's inside?
A cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind.
Many books have been written about how to organize your life, your workspace and your home, some good, some bad. We gravitate toward authors that provide practical systems for bringing order to debilitating chaos. This is not one of those books. Mike Nelson instead writes of the psychological reasons that some people allow clutter to overtake their lives. If you’re looking for an explanation about why you can’t find that important file, start reading. If you’re looking for some way to prevent you from making similar mistakes in the future, getAbstract.com advises you to look elsewhere.
About the Author
Mike Nelson has been featured by the Los Angeles Times and CNN for his work with cluttering. He was instrumental in the founding of the Clutterless self-help groups. A prolific writer, he has been an international newspaper columnist, has published a dozen books, and is in demand as an international lecturer.
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