Bullies aren’t just in the schoolyard – the workplace has plenty of them, too. On-the-job bullies are common to some occupations and stressful corporate cultures. Author Lorenza Clifford, a British career coach with a master’s degree in organizational psychology, has put together a short, to-the-point guide to help readers deal with bullying. She highlights some warning signs that a bully may be on the loose in your workplace, cites danger periods when bullying tends to increase and lists some behavioral symptoms victims display. Her common-sense advice and checklists help victims understand what makes a bully behave like one, why bullies are picking on you, who to turn to for help and support, how to take action, and how to rebuild your confidence. Nipping offensive behavior in the bud is the best way to squelch bullying. Sometimes the healthiest option is to seek employment elsewhere. Although written from the standpoint of U.K. law, this book is widely applicable. getAbstract believes it can benefit anyone who wants to craft healthy workplace policies, help an employee who is being victimized or avoid being a target.
About the Author
Lorenza Clifford is a career coach with a broad range of clients.
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