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Marianne Cooper
The 3 Things That Make Organizations More Prone to Sexual Harassment
Nothing’s foolproof, but there are research-proven changes companies could make.
The Atlantic, 2017
What's inside?
Which companies are most vulnerable to sexual harassment?
More than half the women in the United States have been sexually harassed, according to a 2017 poll. While the problem is widespread, some companies are more vulnerable than others. Stanford gender sociologist Marianne Cooper digs into the traits of companies that purposely ignore and even enable perpetrators. getAbstract recommends this timely, provocative read to all leaders who don’t want their female employees to suffer from harassment.
About the Author
Marianne Cooper is an Atlantic writer and gender sociologist at Stanford University. She wrote Cut Adrift: Families in Insecure Times and was lead researcher for Sheryl Sandberg’s Lean In.
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