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The Burnout Bible

The Burnout Bible

How to Tackle Fatigue and Emotional Overwhelm Naturally

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  • Scientific
  • Applicable
  • Eye Opening


Sometimes, the demands of your professional and personal life become overwhelming, leaving you feeling exhausted, moody and unable to perform at your best — in short, burned out. Nutritionist and mental health expert Rachel Philpotts provides actionable diet and lifestyle tips to help you prevent or recover from burnout. Her four-step “Mood Boosting Method” can help you naturally improve your mood and overall health. Embracing a functional medicine approach, Philpotts takes a holistic, systematic view of burnout and aims to empower readers to regain their physical and mental vitality.


Women are more vulnerable to workplace burnout than men, yet the research focuses on male experiences.

While not widely recognized as a medical condition by health care professionals, burnout has become a common feature of modern life. The World Health Organization describes burnout as a problem stemming from people’s inability to manage “chronic workplace stress” properly. According to social psychologist and burnout researcher Christina Maslach, individuals suffering from this occupational syndrome experience emotional exhaustion, “depersonalization” or workplace cynicism, and lowered achievement.

While women are more vulnerable to burnout than men, historically, researchers have focused on studying burnout in men, leading to a lack of information about women’s experiences.

Rachel Philpotts wanted to close this information gap by interviewing a group of powerful career-oriented women about burnout. Many described experiencing a decline in motivation, feelings of depression, and a lack of interest in their jobs.When asked for the drivers of these feelings, some women mentioned aggressive colleagues or repeated failure ...

About the Author

Rachel Philpotts is a registered nutritionist, mental health expert and freelance writer. On her blog, re:Nutrition, she advises readers on how to improve mental wellness through diet.

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