The Customer Centered Enterprise
How IBM and Other World-Class Companies Achieve Extraordinary Results by Putting Customers First
The person with the cash in hand is the real boss, according to Harvey Thompson, proponent of Customer Value Management (CVM). You can make your company more customer-driven using CVM, which he developed at IBM and then implemented at other U.S. and international companies. Thompson identifies the customer’s vision of ideal value, and tells businesses to use that as their guiding star. If you can integrate the best customer value in every system, your company can retain customers, sell more and increase profits. This is not a new theme, but Thompson takes it a little deeper than most as he discusses ways to strategically incorporate CVM, from top management to the front desk. If we were telling him about his reading customers, we’d ask him to shake some dust off the dense, academic language, but otherwise getAbstract recommends to most business leaders this solid book about strategic customer management.
About the Author
Harvey Thompson is the IBM Global Executive for Customer Value Management Consulting. As corporate program director, he led the development and operations for innovative, customer-focused business process improvement within IBM and other Fortune 500 and Global 1000 companies. He lectures at the Advanced Business Institute in New York as well as the International Executive Education Centers in Brussels, Belgium, and Milan. He frequently speaks on Customer Loyalty Management and his articles have been featured in publications such as the Journal of Business Strategy.
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