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Rafat Ali
The Event Industry Is Being Confronted By Its Napster Moment
Skift, 2020
What's inside?
The event industry, as it looked pre-pandemic, may never recover from COVID-19.
Rafat Ali was a cub reporter when the music industry underwent a permanent shift from albums and physical products to singles and digital products. He later watched the newspaper industry get decimated by the internet, wondering why they hadn’t learned from the music industry. Now, he’s calling the next digital revolution. Aided by COVID-19 and the work-from-home revolution, Ali predicts that the lucrative event industry will suffer a number of painful changes as Zoom, and related virtual technologies, replace expensive, in-person meetings, conferences and exhibitions.
About the Author
Rafat Ali is the founder of Skift, which offers news, data and other services to business travelers and the wider travel industry.
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