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World Economic Forum
The Global Risks Report 2019
World Economic Forum, 2019
What's inside?
Global leaders face myriad political, economic, social and environmental risks in 2019.
World leaders face extraordinary hurdles in 2019, many arising from weak economic growth, climate change, inequality, geopolitical strains and technological disruption. According to risk experts at the World Economic Forum, policy makers at the national level must also acknowledge the dangerous risk of inaction, as perils mount due to countries’ retreat from multilateralism. This annual in-depth study examines the many interdependent challenges confronting effective governance and the economic advancement of people around the world. Business leaders, government officials and policy analysts will find valuable insights in the report’s comprehensive and robust presentation of 2019’s most consequential risks.
About the Author
The World Economic Forum is an independent global organization that engages leaders of business, politics, academia and society to improve the state of the world.
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